Born from the spirits bound within the Ancient Oak of Ages, the Warsong Revenants emerged when Alarielle's Rite of Life spread across Ghyran, adding their Spirit Song to her harmonies. To their Sylvaneth allies, the melodies that flow from their flutes are a joyous symphony, brimming with hope and invigorating strength. Yet to their adversaries, these tunes resonate as a thunderous assault of devastating power.
Though they are few in number, the Warsong Revenants stand as a potent force among the Sylvaneth ranks. Their music uplifts allies and undermines foes, while their mastery of arcane energies belies their youthful appearance. Wrapped in arboreal cloaks that shimmer with mystical defenses, they protect their essence from harm.
This kit includes 22 plastic components to assemble one Warsong Revenant, accompanied by a Citadel 105mm Oval Base.