Disciples of Tzeench Tzaangor Enlightened

Sale price $51.00 Regular price $60.00

This multi-part plastic kit enables you to assemble 3 Tzaangor Enlightened, elite warriors blessed with the favor of Tzeentch. They are distinguished by their strange feathers, elaborate horns, and ornate Tzeentchian spears. Each model can be built either on foot or riding one of the 3 included Discs of Tzeentch, which are adorned with sinister spikes and horns used for devastating attacks. The discs also feature sculpted magical elements attaching them to the base.

One of the Enlightened can be assembled as an Aviarch, a leader among them, with his own distinctive chest plate, headpiece (choose from 2 options), and a more ornate weapon suitable for his elevated status. The kit offers 6 different heads, allowing for customization to create unique models.

Included are 3 Citadel 40mm Round bases. Additionally, this kit can alternatively be used to assemble 3 Tzaangor Skyfires, providing versatility in building your Tzeentchian forces.